Removing azapi_update_resource

Safely remove an azapi_update_resource block once the property is supported in the azurerm provider.


Date Description
2021-04-29 Azure Web PubSub in Public Preview
2021-08-02 Developers start testing the preview functionality
2021-11-16 Azure Web PubSub goes GA
2021-12-06 Developers ask to include Web PubSub in the Terraform config
2022-01-28 azurerm v2.94: new resource azurerm_web_pubsub
2022-02-07 Switch to native support for the resource
2022-02-14 Asked to add system assigned managed identity
2022-02-18 azurerm v2.97: azurerm_web_pubsub enhancement to support identity block
2022-02-21 Switch to native support for the managed identity

Good news!

The azurerm_web_pubsub resource now supports an identity block.

Time to safely remove the final trace of azapi from the config and go fully native with the azurerm provider.

Starting configuration

Your file should be similar to this:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "=2.94"

    azapi = {
      source  = "azure/azapi"
      version = "=0.3.0"

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

provider "azapi" {}

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "azapi_labs" {
  name     = "azapi_labs"
  location = "West Europe"

resource "azurerm_web_pubsub" "webpubsub" {
  name                = "azapi-labs-richeney"
  resource_group_name =
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.azapi_labs.location
  sku                 = "Free_F1"
  capacity            = 1

resource "azapi_update_resource" "webpubsub_identity" {
  type      = "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub@2021-10-01"
  name      =
  parent_id =

  body = jsonencode({
    identity = {
      "type" : "SystemAssigned"

  response_export_values = [

output "webpubsub_identity" {
  value = {
    tenant_id = jsondecode(azapi_update_resource.webpubsub_identity.output).identity.tenantId
    object_id = jsondecode(azapi_update_resource.webpubsub_identity.output).identity.principalId

⚠️ You should have a different value for your

Update the native resources

  1. Update the required provider version to 2.97

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        azurerm = {
          source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
          version = "=2.97"
        azapi = {
          source  = "azure/azapi"
          version = "=0.3.0"
  2. Add identity.type = “SystemAssigned” to the azurerm_web_pubsub block

    resource "azurerm_web_pubsub" "webpubsub" {
      name                = "azapi-labs-richeney"
      resource_group_name =
      location            = azurerm_resource_group.azapi_labs.location
      sku                 = "Free_F1"
      capacity            = 1
      identity {
        type = "SystemAssigned"
  3. Upgrade the provider

    terraform init --upgrade

    Terraform will install version 2.97.

  4. Refresh

    If you run terraform state show azurerm_web_pubsub.webpubsub then there will be no identity block as it is still as per v2.94. Refresh the state.

    terraform refresh
  5. View the resource

    terraform state show azurerm_web_pubsub.webpubsub

    The state file now includes the identity block. Example output:

    # azurerm_web_pubsub.webpubsub:
    resource "azurerm_web_pubsub" "webpubsub" {
        aad_auth_enabled              = true
        capacity                      = 1
        external_ip                   = ""
        hostname                      = ""
        id                            = "/subscriptions/2ca40be1-7e80-4f2b-92f7-06b2123a68cc/resourceGroups/azapi_labs/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/azapi-labs-richeney"
        local_auth_enabled            = true
        location                      = "westeurope"
        name                          = "azapi-labs-richeney"
        primary_access_key            = (sensitive value)
        primary_connection_string     = (sensitive value)
        public_network_access_enabled = true
        public_port                   = 443
        resource_group_name           = "azapi_labs"
        secondary_access_key          = (sensitive value)
        secondary_connection_string   = (sensitive value)
        server_port                   = 443
        sku                           = "Free_F1"
        tags                          = {}
        tls_client_cert_enabled       = false
        version                       = "1.0"
        identity {
            identity_ids = []
            principal_id = "280ea032-f2cd-46cc-b66c-2234d089a88b"
            tenant_id    = "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47"
            type         = "SystemAssigned"
        timeouts {}
  6. Update the output

    Update the existing output to reference the azurerm_web_pubsub.webpubsub values.

    output "webpubsub_identity" {
      value = {
        tenant_id = azurerm_web_pubsub.webpubsub.identity[0].tenant_id
        object_id = azurerm_web_pubsub.webpubsub.identity[0].principal_id

    If you were to run terraform plan then it will show that no changes are needed.

Clean up the azapi resources

  1. View the state identifiers

    terraform state list

    Expected output:

  2. Remove azapi_update_resource from state

    terraform state rm azapi_update_resource.webpubsub_identity

    Expected output:

    Removed azapi_update_resource.webpubsub_identity
    Successfully removed 1 resource instance(s).
  3. Remove the azapi_update_resource block from

    Either delete the block, or surround it with a multiline comment.

    /* and */ are start and end delimiters for a comment that might span over multiple lines.

  4. Run terraform plan

    No changes should be required.


No need to import this time as the resource was already there and just needed a gentle refresh to pull in the info into the right object in state.

The output needed to be updated to remove remaining references to the azapi_update_resource and then we could clean up the state.

Note that it safe to remove provider "azapi" {} and the azapi entry from the terraform block’s required_provider object. All of the provider will still remain in your .terraform directory:

    ├── azure
    │   └── azapi
    │       └── 0.3.0
    │           └── linux_amd64
    │               └── terraform-provider-azapi_v0.3.0
    └── hashicorp
        └── azurerm
            ├── 2.93.0
            │   └── linux_amd64
            │       └── terraform-provider-azurerm_v2.93.0_x5
            ├── 2.94.0
            │   └── linux_amd64
            │       └── terraform-provider-azurerm_v2.94.0_x5
            └── 2.97.0
                └── linux_amd64
                    └── terraform-provider-azurerm_v2.97.0_x5

15 directories, 5 files

Run terraform destroy if you wish to clean up your lab resources.

You have worked through all of the labs successfully and emulated a scenario where you bridged gaps in the azurerm functionality with the azapi resources and data sources.

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