
Labs for ISV Partners publishing their solutions on the commercial marketplace


Microsoft’s commercial marketplace is a catalog of solutions and services from our partner network. Microsoft partners can use Partner Center to create, publish and manage their solutions and services offerings in the commercial marketplace. Solutions are listed in Microsoft’s online stores, alongside Microsoft’s own solutions, connecting you with businesses, organizations, and government agencies around the world.

This lab will introduce you to some of the essential concepts and terminology of the commercial marketplace with a particular focus on ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) building solutions on Azure and publishing to the marketplace. The focus will be on applications rather than services.

Note: The terms “solution”, “ISV solution” and “application” will be used interchangeably throughout.



Introduction to the commercial marketplace

Partner Center

Enrolling in Partner Center to Publish Offers

Offer Type

Determining your Offer Type

Publish a VM Offer HOL

Lab walkthrough of publishing a VM Offer

Publish a Solution Template HOL

Lab walkthrough of publishing a Solution Template Offer

Publish a Managed App HOL

Lab walkthrough of publishing a Managed Application Offer

SaaS Offer HOLs

Hands on labs for SaaS Offers

SaaS Offer Video Series

A video series for SaaS Offers