Arc Pilot resource group

Create a target resource group, plus a few resources and tag inheritance policies.


In this preparation lab you will create the arc_pilot resource group. You will be onboarding your on prem VMs into this resource group later in the hack.

You’ll also add some tagging inheritance policies and a couple of (optional) security groups in Azure Active Directory.

The Azure Connected Machine Onboarding role allows Microsoft.HybridCompute and Microsoft.GuestConfiguration guest actions. See Azure built-in roles for more information.

The last section covers

Resource group

  1. Create a resource group called arc_pilot for onboarding

    Include tag values for datacentre and city.

    az group create --name arc_pilot --location westeurope --tags datacentre="Azure Citadel" city=Reading

Azure Arc Admins

  1. Create a security group called Azure Arc Admins

  2. Add all of the users in your team

  3. Assign with a role to the resource group that is suitable for administering Azure Arc-enabled Server resources

    💡 Hint: Azure Arc-enabled Servers are sometimes called Azure Connected Machines…

Tag inheritance

The pilot evaluation team have decided to initially use a couple of tags at the resource group level that they want the resources to inherit.

The tag inheritance policies may be deployed at a higher scope in production, e.g. at the subscription scope for a subscription dedicated for hybrid machines, as one component of a wider tagging strategy.

Tag Value Source
datacentre Azure Citadel Inherited from resource group
city Reading Inherited from resource group
platform azcmagent
cluster azcmagent

⚠️The values for the platform and cluster tags will be configured when using the azcmagent to onboard the hybrid VMs.

  1. Grab the resource group ID

    rgId=$(az group show --name arc_pilot --query id --output tsv)
  2. Assign the tag inheritance for datacentre

    az policy assignment create --name "inherit_tag_datacentre" \
      --display-name "Inherit datacentre tag from the resource group" \
      --scope $rgId \
      --policy cd3aa116-8754-49c9-a813-ad46512ece54 \
      --mi-system-assigned --location westeurope \
      --params '{"tagName": {"value": "datacentre"}}'
  3. Add a non-compliance message for the datacentre tag policy

    az policy assignment non-compliance-message create \
    --name inherit_tag_datacentre \
    --resource-group arc_pilot \
    --message "Resource has not inherited the datacentre tag"
  4. Assign the tag inheritance for city

    az policy assignment create --name "inherit_tag_city" \
    --display-name "Inherit city tag from the resource group" \
    --scope $rgId \
    --policy cd3aa116-8754-49c9-a813-ad46512ece54 \
    --mi-system-assigned --location westeurope \
    --params '{"tagName": {"value": "city"}}'
  5. Add a non-compliance message for the city tag inheritance policy

    az policy assignment non-compliance-message create \
    --name inherit_tag_city \
    --resource-group arc_pilot \
    --message "Resource has not inherited the city tag"

Success criteria

Show the proctor:

  1. the resource group name, location, tags and resources
  2. the RBAC assignment for Azure Arc Admins
  3. your tag inheritance policy assignments



In this lab you assigned a few more resources and policies. A combination of the Azure portal and CLI were used, but you could automate using Bicep or Terraform. Remember that policy initiatives were previously named policy sets.

In the next lab you will look at the Azure Monitor Agent and enable VM Insights via policy.

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