Getting Started

Get started making your first contribution.


Contributions to this community site are encouraged.

Each page comes with a Make a change button that will take you directly through to GitHub and allow you to submit a Pull Request.


Make a change

Find the page that you want to contribute to.

Click the Make a change button.

This will take you through to GitHub where you can edit the code for this site.

Fork this repository

Fork this repository

Commit your change

You can edit the file directly on GitHub for smaller changes without having to download or install any software.

This will commit the changes directly into your forked GitHub repository

Propose and commit your change

After filling in a short title and longer description, select Propose changes.

Create a Pull Request

All changes that get merged into the main branch of Azure Citadel get Continuously Deployed to live. To ensure quality all changes must be reviewed prior to being deployed.

The mechanism for reviewing changes is the Pull Request

You can create a Pull Request by following the prompt after proposing your changes in the previous step.

Start a Pull Request

The Title and Description of the Pull Request will be auto-populated from the Git commit that you created on your branch.

After you’re happy that you have included enough information, especially when proposing larger changes, you just have to Create pull request

Create the Pull Request

Pull Requests provide a space for discussions to take place and keep a log of the the reasons why certain changes were made.


That’s it. Your Pull Request will be reviewed, merged and go live soon and you’ll be notified.

Help us improve

Azure Citadel is a community site built on GitHub, please contribute and send a pull request

 Make a change